Next Training: Professional LiveView , on: Apr 16

Get Elixir Training from Award Winning Author Bruce Tate

Master Elixir with Expert-Led Training

Join small-group training sessions led by Bruce Tate. Perfect your Elixir skills through hands-on practice and expert guidance.







Phoenix with Ecto

Phoenix with Ecto

Learn from the Best
Study with Bruce Tate, acclaimed author and instructor with decades of experience.
Interactive Learning
Small classes focused on hands-on coding and real problem solving.
Convenient Schedule
Short, focused classes designed to fit around your work commitments.
Personal Attention
Limited class sizes (4-6 students) ensure you get the help you need.
Four Essential Tracks
Choose from Elixir 101, Elixir and OTP, LiveView, or Phoenix with Ecto to match your learning needs.
Join a supportive community of Elixir developers learning together.
Bruce Tate play

Who is Bruce Tate?

Bruce Tate is an award-winning author and the founder of The recognized expert in Elixir has over 10 years of experience providing high-quality training and education. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, his tailored approach to training will help you think beyond routine code to beautifully designed software. These are the breakthroughs that define careers and teams.

Comprehensive Training Programs

Choose Your Path to Elixir Mastery

From fundamentals to advanced concepts, our training tracks are designed to build your expertise step by step. Each course combines theory, hands-on practice, and real-world projects.

Professional Elixir 101


Professional Elixir 101

Next Course: Call

Elixir is a language with almost magical self healing properties. Its concurrency and reliability features make the language one of the most highest paid ones in the world, and its web frameworks show supreme power and astounding productivity. Before you can learn those tools, you need to know how the Elixir programming language works. Learn the important programming techniques you'll need to get to the good stuff, from data structures to functional programming.

2 Days
Late Beginner to Intermediate
Professional Elixir and OTP


Professional Elixir and OTP

Next Course: Jul 7, 2025

From the book Designing Elixir Systems with OTP, this course will arm you with understanding of the core Elixir abstractions you need to be successful. Going beyond a checklist of features, this class will provide you with systems to understand and instantly recall the important design considerations you need when you're designing any Elixir system, whether you're making a web app or a thermostat.

2 1/2 Days
Late Beginner to Early Advanced

What to Expect

Good training starts with design and abstractions. This course is Groxio's primary Elixir course, covering basic design and abstractions for Elixir and OTP. Starting with the basics for idiomatic Elixir design, the training will take you beyond what you can find in books and online documentation. It will show you critical abstractions like behaviours and inversion of control that are much easier to absorb in a classroom setting. Custom versions of this course come in two to four days.

Software Layering
Functional Cores
Core Designs
Boundary Layers
Supervision Trees
Dynamic Supervision
Effective APIs
Data Structure Design
Duration: 2 1/2 Days
Next available dates:
Jul 7- 8
Looking for team training?

How It Works

Students work through core abstractions multiple times using role-playing and building simple solutions to develop understanding and quick recall.

Students apply this knowledge to build something substantial, with each person getting multiple opportunities to lead with coaching from instructors and teammates.

Training is customized based on class progress and needs. After each session, the class discusses techniques applied and lessons learned.

Course Objectives

Groxio courses emphasize breadth over depth, adjusting to student skill levels and needs. You'll see key objectives that guide your learning journey rather than an exhaustive feature list.


Explore Elixir design concepts including function composition, organizational strategies, and Elixir data structures.


Understand processes, message passing, and the Actor-based model in Elixir programs.


Handle uncertainty and process machinery in an Elixir boundary layer with and without GenServers.


Understand and apply Supervisor configuration.


Apply GenServer message passing principles in an Elixir application.


Understand why Elixir is a good language for managing concurrency and uncertainty.


Mid Beginner to Early Intermediate
You will need to know how to code Elixir, but extensive experience is not required. The small class sizes allow us the flexibility to address multiple skill levels in the same class. You should have a working installation of Elixir version 14, a working observer, and a working installation of Phoenix.
Professional LiveView

Web Development

Professional LiveView

Next Course: Apr 16, 2025

From the book Programming Phoenix LiveView, this course will walk you through the strategies you'll need to build flexible, self-healing interactive web applications that scale well and survive the test of time. Focusing on design and abstractions, you'll learn how to layer your code with components and multi-layer APIs using idiomatic generated and custom code.

3 1/2 Days
Intermediate to Advanced
Professional Phoenix with Ecto


Professional Phoenix with Ecto

Next Course: Call

From the book Programming Phoenix, this class is our de facto Phoenix back end course. We'll cover principles for working with multi-layered functional programming systems. On the data side, we'll get to know Ecto query design principles, and how to safely manage change with changesets. We'll work with boundary layers, and explore different ways to deal with failure. We'll explore advanced foundations of Phoenix from PubSub to plugs. This was the most requested course for Groxio to add in 2023.

4 Days
Late Beginner to Intermediate


Why Do Groxio Students Love Us?

" I was really happy to learn about starting dynamic processes that I name on the fly. "
Groxio Training
" I've been able to continue building my career in Elixir with confidence. "
Groxio Training
" I always have fun. I'm a beginner and have to type in front of everyone. I just come as myself. "
Groxio Training
" It's about learning how to learn... allowing us to follow our own path. For me, it's life changing. "
Elixir em Foco
" I learned important concepts to learn everything else in the Elixir Ecosystem. "
Groxio Training
" The biggest insight I had was the CRC pattern... That underlying pattern shapes programming. "
Groxio Training