Write Elixir & Love Your Job
Most programmers that write Elixir love it. Just ask the developers. As a powerful language designed for efficient and effective software development, mastering Elixir can provide personal satisfaction in building high-performance, reliable systems. Its ease of readability and maintenance also contribute to a fulfilling development experience.
Be Productive & Earn Well
Elixir developers are highly sought for their high productivity, leading to competitive salaries. Managers love Elixir's productivity so your skills will remain in high demand. By mastering this powerful language, you can position yourself for a lucrative career in software development.
Future-Proof Your Career
Elixir's popularity among developers and companies, and its strong focus on concurrency, scalability, and reliability, make it a valuable skill set to have in the rapidly-evolving world of software development. By learning Elixir, you can ensure you have the skills and knowledge to stay relevant and competitive in the job market.
Programming Phoenix LiveView
With Sophie DeBenedetto
Designing Elixir Systems with OTP
With James E. Gray II
Programming Phoenix
With Chris McCord and José Valim
Adopting Elixir
With José Valim and Ben Marx
Build a Weather Station with Elixir and Nerves
With Alex Koutmos and Frank Hunleth
Build a Binary Clock with Elixir and Nerves
With Frank Hunleth
Productive, reliable, concurrent functional programming.
The famous self-healing Elixir concurrency model.
Interactive web apps without writing JavaScript.
NX & Axon
Deep learning and numerical processing on Elixir.
Elixir's functional database mapping layer.
Elixir on the Internet of Things.
Live documents with code, prose, and data.
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Elixir, OTP, LiveView,
Ecto, Nerves, LiveBook, Axon/NX
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Elixir, OTP, LiveView,
Ecto, Nerves, LiveBook, Axon/NX
Videos, Projects, Mini-books
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Elixir, OTP, LiveView,
Ecto, Nerves, LiveBook, Axon/NX
Starting from 5 seats or more
Bill | Groxio Training
Liv | Groxio Training
Paulo | Groxio Training
Christine | Elixir em Foco
Yuri | Groxio Training
Zaki | Groxio Training
beginner to intermediate
An approachable FP language for fast, reliable, productive apps on the web and the IoT.
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