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Programmer Passport Language Guides

Different Media Types for Accelerated Learning
In partnership with the Pragmatic Bookshelf

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Each language comes with at least two private videos. Check youtube to see a few free ones.

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Topical Guide List


Elixir Nx: Numerical Computing in Elixir buy →


LiveBook: Documentation, experimentation in one tool buy →


Add agility to your IoT development cycle buy →


Ecto: An explicit, repo-based database mapping and query service for Elixir buy →


An approachable FP language for fast, reliable, productive apps on the web and the IoT. buy →


A programming model on Erlang/Elixir/Scala for reliable, concurrent, self-healing solutions. buy →


A JavaScript-free web programming model for Elixir, with live state updated with event streams. buy →


Julia: Simplicity Meets Performance buy →


Elegant Machine Learning for Julia buy →


Crystal is a language with the smoothness of Ruby but the type-safety and speed of a compiled language. buy →


Pony is built for concurrency but allows mutability. Pony extends types to ensure correctness. buy →


This logic language is a staple for teaching coders AI and machine learning concepts. buy →

Programmer Passport

Career Fuel for Coders

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Our courses are not typical lessons. They are exploratory spikes in video form, a mini book, projects, and currated links designed to peak curriosity and fun to accelerate your learning.

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Programmers of different skill levels think differently, so they must learn differently

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 A relief from the usual dry books on programming, Tate's writing style is engaging and casual while being informative and educational. His passion of programming languages is clear and pulls the reader in. Unlike with most programming books, I find his books hard to put down.  
Dr. Sebastian Raaphorst
Gemini Observatory
 Programmer Passport does an excellent job of breaking down various programming languages into digestible parts. You get to understand not just their syntax, but the underlying ideas that drive those languages. In his trainings, Bruce does an excellent job of explaining concepts and adding the right amount of struggle as you learn. Plus, the small class size allows for more individualized attention.  
Patrick Carver
Elixir Programmer
 Bruce gauged my learning level and met me there with tailored, unwavering support. Groxio’s curriculum consistently delivers moments of clarity. Complex concepts are broken down into clear, lucid steps.The Tetris series seems delightful and familiar, but I found tough challenges at every turn (pun intended)! Solving them required thinking in new ways about what I know.  
Vanessa Lee